Project portfolio

A selection of works in social science, data science, and everything in between.

Social Research Projects

  • The UK MP Inbox (website coming summer 2024) - A comprehensive database of thousands email newsletters sent by UK members of parliament.

Data Science Training & Mentoring

  • Verian Global Data Science Training seminar - an annual internal seminar aimed at educating early career researchers about key DS principles and tools.

  • Introduction to R Workshop Series - an annual series of beginner-friendly workshops covering the basics of data wrangling and data visualisation.

Selected Academic Publications

  • Ozer, Adam L., Waggoner, Philip D., & Kennedy, Ryan. 2024. “The Paradox of Algorithms and Blame on Public Decision-makers”. Business and Politics

  • Ozer, Adam L. 2023. “Women Experts and Gender Bias in Political Media”. Public Opinion Quarterly

  • Ozer, Adam L. & Wright, Jamie. 2022. “Partisan News Versus Party Cues: The Effect of Cross-Cutting Party and Partisan Network Cues on Polarization and Persuasion”. Research & Politics.

  • Ozer, Adam L., Sullivan, Brian W.,  & Van, Douglas S. 2022.  “Viewed from Different Engels? Differences in Reactions to “Socialism” as a Policy Label”. Political Research Quarterly.

  • Simas, Elizabeth N. & Ozer, Adam L. 2021. “Polarization, candidate positioning, and political participation in the U.S.”. Electoral Studies, 73.

  • Ozer, Adam L. 2020. “Well, you’re the expert: how signals of source expertise help mitigate partisan bias.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 1-21.